The book explains the concepts in detail of how thoughts are a result of our creative other words, we were meant to create realities with our mind that would lead us to the highest and best truth, but somehow along the way, we become impatient, or we become a victim of our own vices and we start creating worlds that are "lesser than" and that's where our problems begin. If we are not in pursuit of positve change of our reality, we revert to default mode, or let negativity seep into our lives. We find ourselves creating problems of our own making and becoming stuck in our own dramas or becoming addicted to the entertainment of solving our problems.
The protagonist in the narrative, Frank, experiences specific instruction from various teachers and is shown first-hand illustrations of specific individuals who "chose" to limit themselves in their own confined world of wheel-spinning and an excuse to postpone their journey of transformation growth and elevation of consciousness. Instead of using their creative energy to grow, they use their creative energy to create little detours. And who is there who can't relate to these sabotage schemes our mind can come up with? We are all familiar with how our mind can work against our best interest. This book gives the reader an understanding of the concepts behind all this drama we create and gives specific action plans to move away from our destructive thinking and personal prisonhouses and get about the business of doing what we were meant to do: move forward.
Here are some quotes from the book:
- "In this class you will learn how to take complete responsibility for your every thought and action."
- "It takes true courage to break free from collective thought."
- "Contaminated thought is destructive..."
- "Only the present provides the opening."
- "Humans are so fixed on matter they see but a sliver of reality:..
- "It is essential to recognize that your consciousness is the creative force behind everything."
The ideas here give the reader a hopeful spin on the whole existence experience in that there is no real end with is merely a continuation of our thoughts and constructs that we have created. As Buhlman states, "The universe is thought-responsive".
The rhetorical style of Buhlman is simple, direct and practical, and yet somehow poetic in its eloquence. Get past the first fifty pages or so of this 248 page journey and you are hooked on a hunger to learn more and more.
Well done, William B.
Later, Homies!